

How to read more August 14, 2015

Most people read for personal enjoyment, educational purposes or self-improvement. Whatever reasons you have for wanting to read more, it will benefit you in a lot of ways. But why is it that some people read a lot and you struggle to read as much as you would like? Only you can know the definite answer to that but I want to share 14 tips with you to achieve your personal reading goals and learn how to read more books….

Become a better listener August 13, 2015

There are two type of listeners. Which type of listener are you? Do you really listen to people? Sometimes we can get distracted quite easily, or we interpret what people say right away, assuming we understand them. We think we get every undertone and the meaning behind the words before the person in front of us even finished talking. We interpret what was said right away and cannot wait to share our opinion, encourage the other person, share experiences and just…

Start your morning right August 12, 2015

Whether you are an early bird or struggle to get up every morning, if you start your morning right and establish a morning routine that works for you, you can actually enjoy your mornings more. So how do you achieve that? Get up earlier We are always looking to find more time during our day and you can find some well-deserved ”me time” and relaxation right away in the morning, if you remind yourself of it and plan for it. So setting up…

15 tips to improve your sleep August 11, 2015

Some mornings it is really hard to get out of bed. Whenever you did not sleep well through the night, the sound of your alarm seems even more awful to you than normal and chances are you feel exhausted and tired all day long. So why is it that some people sleep like babies and you toss and turn all night? If you like, you can read all about my 15 tips to improve your sleep in this article. If you suffer from ongoing insomnia…

How to get over a bad day August 10, 2015

We all have bad days, whether some people like to admit it or not. What matters is that you learn how to get over a bad day. Because it is just a bad day you have, not a bad life! It is alright to have a bad day and feel sorry for yourself for a while, but sometimes it is important to remember that (as long as you and your loved ones are healthy, you are not in danger for your…

Ways to motivate yourself August 9, 2015

Some tasks can be a bit annoying, to say the least and there are even entire days that seem to be full of things you don’t want to do in the first place. But how can you deal with feeling demotivated? I want to share with you some ways to motivate yourself when all you want to do is throw in the towel. Finding the goal Probably the best advice I can give you is to think about the purpose behind…

Take the stress out of your evenings August 8, 2015

Life is stressful but it does not always have to be as stressful as we make it. Establish a routine that enables you to take the stress out of your evenings and make it one that actually works for you. If it doesn’t seem to fit your lifestyle, be open to make adjustments to your plans. And don’t worry about it. Every day is different and that is what makes life interesting. I have collected some ideas for you that…

Make the most out of your lunch break August 7, 2015

Every day we spend at work in the office there is usually a designated lunch break that we can count on. To make sure you really feel refreshed after your midday break, and to make the most out of your lunch break, there are certain things you should watch out for. My number one recommendation to have a great break is to not stay put at your desk. This is probably something you realize shortly into your work life but…

7 things to do to get more work done August 7, 2015

It is not always easy to have a productive day but with these tips you can increase your productivity and get a head start on that to-do list of yours! So here are my top 7 recommendations of things to do to get more work done: Avoid distractions Ignore your personal calls, texts and emails! Mute your personal cell phone. You are working and you do not need to be available all the time. Also on this subject: Do not share your personal phone…

On balance August 6, 2015

It is really hard to find balance in life. We want to reach our full potential and be good at everything we do. We have so many different roles to play and tasks to do on a regular basis that even finding the right free time activity can become another struggle that we have to face. Every minute we spend doing something is another minute we could be doing something else. Every choice seems like the rejection of yet another…

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