

On gratitude August 28, 2015

What are you grateful for today? What are you grateful for in your life? Some people are so focused on the next goal they want to achieve or the bad day they just had, that they overlook the things in their lives that are working great, that make them and their lives special and also overlook the seemingly smaller things in everyday life that are precious and noteworthy. Sometimes we do not find it in ourselves to be happy on every…

Make time for yourself August 27, 2015

What can you do for yourself today? What would make you happy? Sometimes life gets very busy and you might even feel guilty to take some “me” time or it seems wrong to choose to be alone for an hour or two and just do your thing. It is often in the times that we would need it most, that it seems impossible to make time for yourself. But I actually think that everyone benefits from a time out that you claim…

How to be more positive August 26, 2015

Some people seem to be happy all the time. They are really optimistic and positive. The negativity that often spreads around us does not seem to affect them and they seem more content with themselves and the world. So how do they do it? How can you too become a glass half full kind of person? I want to share eight tips with you on how to be more positive. Surround yourself with positive people This is something that might be a…

How to make better decisions August 21, 2015

We make thousands of decisions every day, without even thinking about it anymore. But there are also those decisions we struggle with a lot. Here are some tips on how to make better decisions: 1. Initial response What were your initial thoughts and emotions when confronted with the problem? Usually first ideas and feelings that pop into our heads are very useful, because in a matter of a few seconds we have already formed a first response. Instead of acting on it…

Finding your courage August 20, 2015

We are all afraid of something. Whether it is a real or imagined threat or the fear is justified or not, you need to acknowledge it is there and rationalize it in your head. Our fears tell us a lot about ourselves, and we can use our fears to our advantage. What we cannot do is completely give in to our fears and get scared of life itself. Because if we let our fears rule our life, we cannot enjoy life, be…

How to deal with negative and toxic people August 18, 2015

Everyone has been through it, nearly everyone knows one or has one in their closer environment. Some people just seem to be impossible to get along with. It may be because they spread negativity or they are really exhausting others with their behaviors, or some of them are just plain rude and cannot be trusted because they start drama wherever they go. No matter what the reason is, chances are when you read this article you have someone in your personal life or…

How to get over a bad day August 10, 2015

We all have bad days, whether some people like to admit it or not. What matters is that you learn how to get over a bad day. Because it is just a bad day you have, not a bad life! It is alright to have a bad day and feel sorry for yourself for a while, but sometimes it is important to remember that (as long as you and your loved ones are healthy, you are not in danger for your…

25 tips for more happiness August 5, 2015

Having a positive outlook on things makes life much easier and more enjoyable. So here you will find a list of tips for more happiness in your life! 1. Find happiness by slowing down Do less and be more choosy when it comes to how you spend your time and who you spend it with. Listen to your feelings and needs. If something or someone makes you feel bad, it is probably not worth your time. Focus on the important things in…

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