

7 things to do to communicate better August 24, 2015

Communication is key when it comes to all of our relationships. Only when we learn to really communicate with others, we can understand them better and learn from our relationships. Our brain is a social organ and only the interaction with others enables us to really thrive as social beings and grow on a personal level. We communicate in a variety of different ways. What I want to focus on here is mostly our verbal communication in person and the body…

How to make better decisions August 21, 2015

We make thousands of decisions every day, without even thinking about it anymore. But there are also those decisions we struggle with a lot. Here are some tips on how to make better decisions: 1. Initial response What were your initial thoughts and emotions when confronted with the problem? Usually first ideas and feelings that pop into our heads are very useful, because in a matter of a few seconds we have already formed a first response. Instead of acting on it…

How to deal with negative and toxic people August 18, 2015

Everyone has been through it, nearly everyone knows one or has one in their closer environment. Some people just seem to be impossible to get along with. It may be because they spread negativity or they are really exhausting others with their behaviors, or some of them are just plain rude and cannot be trusted because they start drama wherever they go. No matter what the reason is, chances are when you read this article you have someone in your personal life or…

How to read more August 14, 2015

Most people read for personal enjoyment, educational purposes or self-improvement. Whatever reasons you have for wanting to read more, it will benefit you in a lot of ways. But why is it that some people read a lot and you struggle to read as much as you would like? Only you can know the definite answer to that but I want to share 14 tips with you to achieve your personal reading goals and learn how to read more books….

Become a better listener August 13, 2015

There are two type of listeners. Which type of listener are you? Do you really listen to people? Sometimes we can get distracted quite easily, or we interpret what people say right away, assuming we understand them. We think we get every undertone and the meaning behind the words before the person in front of us even finished talking. We interpret what was said right away and cannot wait to share our opinion, encourage the other person, share experiences and just…

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