

10 tips to help manage anxiety October 12, 2015

Feelings of anxiety are difficult to handle. In the best case, you have a knot in your stomach and in the worst case your anxiety reaches a level that it becomes paralyzing. Stress and anxiety often go hand in hand and you should not feel ashamed to experience either of them. Your health is important and if you suffer from a level of anxiety that it negatively affects your life, you should consult a doctor you trust about it and…

10 things to love about autumn October 5, 2015

There is something about autumn and the change of seasons that is very close to my heart, and I’m not the only one! A lot of people love autumn and there are many great things about this season that make it so wonderful: 1. Cooler weather After the summer months I really appreciate the cooler weather again. I just love the change of seasons and the changes in weather and landscape that you get to experience during the course of…

The joy of audio books September 28, 2015

When I was a teenager I tried listening to an audio book once or twice and I remember that I absolutely could not stand it, on both occasions. And I stuck with that belief for several years. Audio books just were not for me – that’s what I always thought. And then, only a while back I found out how very wrong I was! What I did not know back then is that it makes a whole lot of a…

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