

15 inspirational quotes for Thanksgiving November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you are all doing well? I hope you’re having a wonderful day with your loved ones. Whether you are celebrating Thanksgiving today, or not, it is the perfect opportunity to find a quiet moment and pause and reflect about your life. Think about what goes well for you and focus on all the things you can be grateful for. I want to share 15 inspirational quotes for Thanksgiving with you today, that focus on gratitude: 1….

Spending time alone November 9, 2015

Some people cannot be alone and it sure is amazing to be surrounded by people you love and enjoy other people’s company. But in my opinion it is also important to learn to be alone and to spend time by yourself. Even if at first it might make you uncomfortable, being alone by choice is a very nice thing, every once in a while. You should choose to spend time with other people but you should not be dependant on…

How to be more patient October 15, 2015

Patience is very valuable and a character trait a lot of people wish to have, but a virtue which only a few people really seem to master the majority of time. Patience helps you handle waiting periods with better grace and to keep your peace of mind when things go different than planned. It is said to make you more successful, happy, content and calm in even the most stressful of situations. In order to bring you closer to improving…

How to feel better when you have a cold September 29, 2015

You have already been to the doctor, got a prescription filled and now you are back home, trying to relax. But you are still unsure what to do to make yourself feel better? Here is some advice for you to feel more comfortable when you spend some time home recovering from a cold. These tips are only meant to be followed AFTER you have seen a doctor, and they are in no way meant as a substitute for medical treatment….

Feeling angry? 7 tips to deal with it September 23, 2015

Sometimes we get angry. Sometimes we don’t. The important thing about anger is the question how you deal with it and how you express it. If you are not constantly angry, or make the people around you suffer, chances are your anger is in the normal range and nothing too unusual. It is a good idea to deal with the anger face on, express it and then let it go. Here are 7 tips on how to deal with it…

Case of the Mondays? September 21, 2015

How is it that there seems to be an epidemic of Weekday induced mood swings among us? As much as people get stoked, excited and happy about the upcoming weekend on Fridays, sure enough as soon as they get up on a Monday morning… they are, to put it mildly, in a negative or bad mood. This is so much the case, that there is an entire category of gifs, memes, sayings and even e-cards dedicated to Mondays (and Fridays)…

Reward yourself September 18, 2015

Every now and then we need to pause in what we are doing and become more aware of our accomplishments. Maybe you are not there yet and you still have things that need to get done. But chances are, you tend to forget to reward yourself every now and then. Remember: you deserve it! Appreciate yourself and treat yourself to something. Maybe you do something simple like taking time for yourself or for your favorite hobby. Or you decide to…

Appreciate the small things September 17, 2015

We want it all. Being extremely successful, loved and accomplished with a resume and lifestyle to show for it. We want to look perfect and be perfect. We crave happiness. And not the “small” happiness or feeling of content, but the comprehensive and absolutely perfect kind of happiness in both our career and private lives. We want to be on top of our to-do lists and happy every day in every department of our lives. But life does not work…

On daily rituals September 9, 2015

There is something really soothing and relaxing about having or establishing your own everyday rituals. I do not mean rituals in a religious sense, but normal everyday practices that you can implement into your routine. Some examples for daily rituals would be family dinners in the evenings, or always having your morning coffee on your porch in the warmer months of the year. Or a daily evening routine, in which you always read before you go to sleep at night….

Getting comfortable at home September 8, 2015

Our home is our ultimate safe haven. There is nothing more cozy than getting comfortable at home after a long day of work or school.There are many ways to relax, but here are 25 ideas on activities that help you unwind when you spend time at home: Take a bath or hot shower Listen to your favorite music and sing along if you want Light some candles Cook something delicious Bake a cake or some cookies Take a nap Cuddle…

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