

Reward yourself September 18, 2015

Every now and then we need to pause in what we are doing and become more aware of our accomplishments. Maybe you are not there yet and you still have things that need to get done. But chances are, you tend to forget to reward yourself every now and then. Remember: you deserve it! Appreciate yourself and treat yourself to something. Maybe you do something simple like taking time for yourself or for your favorite hobby. Or you decide to go on a vacation or take a day off at work. It can be something materialistic, if that’s what you want, but it doesn’t have to be.It can also be something as simple as a few hours you spend by yourself. Or going for a walk on the beach, taking a long bath or cook your favorite meal.

What matters is that you do something or buy something small to reward yourself. To take a moment to yourself and treat yourself really well. Because you a deserving of your own love, appreciation and overall good treatment. And sometimes we are not good friends to ourselves, when we really should be at all times.

The weekend is fast approaching and I’m sure you can find at least some time for yourself during the next two days. Do something that makes you happy. Reward yourself. Do not wait for someone else to do it, or a specific date or accomplishment along the way, but reward yourself today. Just because!

Photography by © Morgan Sessions / Unsplash

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