

There is no competition September 2, 2015

Do not compare yourself. You are not here to compete with anybody. Cherish your individuality. Your uniqueness is your competitive edge, which means that you should not be scared to lose anything to anybody. I use competitive edge for lack of a better word. You are you. There is nobody out there who is exactly like you. Or looks exactly like you. Embrace yourself with all your flaws and see that you do not have to prove yourself to anybody. You have…

Make the most out of your lunch break August 7, 2015

Every day we spend at work in the office there is usually a designated lunch break that we can count on. To make sure you really feel refreshed after your midday break, and to make the most out of your lunch break, there are certain things you should watch out for. My number one recommendation to have a great break is to not stay put at your desk. This is probably something you realize shortly into your work life but…

7 things to do to get more work done August 7, 2015

It is not always easy to have a productive day but with these tips you can increase your productivity and get a head start on that to-do list of yours! So here are my top 7 recommendations of things to do to get more work done: Avoid distractions Ignore your personal calls, texts and emails! Mute your personal cell phone. You are working and you do not need to be available all the time. Also on this subject: Do not share your personal phone…

How to cope with a heatwave at work August 5, 2015

As some of you might know (depending on where you live) not every office environment has air conditioning to offer and even with one in place, working eight and more hours every day in a warm office environment can be really challenging. Especially at work places with strict wardrobe requirements many people suffer during the summer months and trying to get through your daily to-do list while sweating in front of your computer screen can be quite challenging to say the…

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