

How to establish an exercise routine September 14, 2015

For some people finding the motivation to exercise is extremely difficult. Not everyone has a natural liking for sports and the less sports you are involved with, the harder it is to get going and start to exercise in general. Here are 7 tips on how to establish an exercise routine for people who are not the born athletes and gym fanatics.

1. Start slowly

Take small steps in the beginning. You know it is hard to start exercising but when you completely overdo it in the beginning it can be really counterproductive for your success. Start slowly and build the routine up over time. This way your body will get used to the exercise and you will struggle less in the beginning.

2. Find what interests you

It is crucial that you find a sport that appeals to you. Go with what you like best and try some sports and activities out to see which ones are the most enjoyable for you. You will naturally be more motivated to exercise when you find a sport that you like.

3. Set realistical goals for the start

Do not set yourself up for disappointment by having unrealistical expectations. What I mean is that you start out with a certain fitness level and you progress more or less slowly over a period of time. Do not be too hard on yourself if you are not getting into shape as quickly as you would want. Do not be disappointed when there are still a lot of things you are not ready for just yet. You will get there over time. Be proud of your progress and don’t get discouraged by smaller setbacks. Everybody started with sports at some point. If you stick with it, you will get better sooner or later!

4. Find people who support you

Exercising is more fun in a group and maybe you can find people to join you in your exercising routine. Get support from others and be open to advice from your friends or trainers that are more knowledgable when it comes to sports.The more support you have, the easier it is for you to continue with your exercise when you hit a tough spot or lack motivation to exercise. You can be a good influence on others, too. Just motivate each other and ask for help when you need it.

5. Think about why you’re doing it

This is probably the most important advice. Find your motivation! Think about all the reasons why you want to exercise and what you want to accomplish along the way. You need to be motivated to stick to any kind of routine or new habit. And the more you realize what it is that drives you to exercise, the more motivated and dedicated you are to achieve your goals.

6. Stick with a schedule

Let’s face it. You will probably not always be highly motivated to work out. So it is very beneficial to stick to a fixed routine and schedule. Maybe sign up for a gym class or meet up with a friend for a “sports date” and exercise together. If you stickk with your schedule, even if it’s really hard sometimes, you will get used to it and overcome the temptation to be lazy or stop exercising altogether.

7. Monitor your progress

Take note of your success and monitor the progress you make. This way you will see how far you have come already. Also, make sure to find out what you struggle with most when it comes to your exercise routine and find solutions or help for you problems. Be proud of your success! The smaller and bigger steps you have taken so far will all add up to it in the end and you will get where you want to be at. Just stick with your routine and don’t give up. You will get there!

What are the secrets to your exercise routine? If you like to share, I’m happy to read your comments below.

Photography by © / Unsplash



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